Chia Seeds For Healthy Life

How take Chia Seed Daily:

benefit of chia seeds, chia seeds
Easiest way to take chia seeds is very simple. Take one table spoon, put it into half glass of water for 20 minutes. It will swell like gel. Then as per your taste add this into your juicer, smoothies and shakes or any liquid you may like drink.
You may take chia seeds at any time of the day, Chia seed is called super food because of great nutrition value it has.
Chia seed is very good in managing weight.

You can also use:
chia seeds for hair and skin
Chia Seeds

·         Put 2 tea spoon Chia Seeds in half glass
·         of water For 20 minutes in any liquid drink
·         like juice, shakes or plain water and drink 
·         Add to baked goods such as pudding and cakes.
·         Sprinkle them on top of cereal, yogurt, Vegetables or rice dishes.
·         Use them to thicken sauces and
·         Curries but use them sparingly.

Health Benefits of Chia Seeds

Chia seeds provide sustainable energy.

• They absorb ten times their weight in water and Help in losing weight by making you feel full

• They are excellent for bone health

• These seeds are beneficial for those with Type II diabetes

• They reduce blood pressure

Are Chia Seeds Safe During Pregnancy?

Chia seeds are good & safe during pregnancy and its boost the chances of a healthy delivery. 2

tablespoons of Chia seeds enough will give your calorific and nutritional needs. Additionally, Chia

how to use chia seeds
seeds contain calcium and iron, both of which are essential minerals needed during pregnancies. Over

15% of your protein needs alone are met through a tablespoon of Chia seeds.

Healthy for hair

  •  Chia seeds
  • are a great source of zinc as well, which plays a crucial role in the generation of new hair cells.
  • It also maintains the oil levels in your scalp, reducing skin inflammation as well as keeping  your hair healthy and full of life. 

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  1. Wow! It is a very informative post to know about chia seeds benefits. They are for better health effect and are easily consumable. You can also use Ayurvedic Clove Tooth Powder which has oil of clove that is effective for treating gum problems.


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