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Chia Seeds For Healthy Life

How take Chia Seed Daily: E asiest way to take chia seeds is very simple. Take one table spoon, put it into half glass of water for 20 minutes. It will swell like gel. Then as per your taste add this into your juicer, smoothies and shakes or any liquid you may like drink. You may take chia seeds at any time of the day, Chia seed is called super food because of great nutrition value it has. Chia seed is very good in managing weight . You can also use: Chia Seeds ·          Put 2 tea spoon Chia Seeds in half glass ·          of water For 20 minutes in any liquid drink ·          like juice, shakes or plain water and drink   ·          Add to baked goods such as pudding and cakes. ·          Sprinkle them on top of cereal , yogurt, Vegetables or rice dishes. ·          Use them to thicken sauces and ·          Curries but use them sparingly. Health Benefits of Chia Seeds • Chia seeds provide sustainable energy. • They absorb ten times their weight in water and Help in losin

What are Salts and uses of salts

USES OF SALTS It is well known that too much salt  can cause healthy problem, but, in moderation, salt is essential and blood pressure management. We can avoid iodine deficiency by using a bit of regular table salt every day, but why not also try using some of the most delicious and healthy salts the world has to offer. How to Use different salts in our Daily Life: 1.    White salt.  This is the regular, refined salt that is mixed with minute amounts of iodine. Eating a small amount of iodized salt daily is important for health to avoid iodine deficiency .      2.    Sea salt. Sea salt is  salt  that produced by the evaporation of  seawater . It is used as a seasoning in foods,  cooking , and  cosmetics . It is also called bay salt, solar salt, or salt .  3.   Seasoned salt  is a blend of Seasoning, herbs, spices,& other flavourings, and sometimes monosodium glutamate It is sold in any local markets and is commonly used in fish, Chicken and vegetarian food a

Cooking With Black Pepper

                      Black Pepper & Advantages Black pepper is the best and most widely used spice in this universe ,to   adding both heat and depth of flavor to nearly any dish. It comes from the berries of the pepper plant , native to Asia-Pacific , which also produces green and white peppercorns . Black pepper  is in the whole & also in powder Family, partially ripened fruit. Green pepper is the unripe fruit and white pepper is the peeled seed. Pink peppercorns are not true pepper . They are the dried berries of the italian pepper tree and are not recommended due to a wide range of side effects: causing headaches, swollen eyelids, shortness of breath, chest pains,  sore throat , hoarseness, upset stomach,  diarrhea  or  hemorrhoids  in certain people.) Black Pepper uses as Medicine Black Pepper Uses In The Kitchen Nutritionally, black pepper provides manganese, iron and vitamin K, and is a good source of dietary fiber  Black pepper’s

What is the oregano and its benefits

What are the health benefits of oregano? Oregano is a culinary and medicinal herb from the mint, or  Lamiaceae  family. It has been used in medicine and cooking for thousands of years. It adds flavor, and it may have a number of health benefits. The name of the herb comes from the Greek words "oros," meaning mountain, and "ganos," meaning joy. It typically grows around 50 cm tall and has purple leaves around 2 to 3 centimeters in length. The chemicals that give the herb its unique and pleasant smell are thymol, pinene, limonene, carvacrol, ocimene, and caryophyllene. It is believed to contain potent  antioxidants  and to have anti-bacterial properties. Fast facts on oregano : Here are some key points about oregano . More detail is in the main article. Here are some key points about oregano . More detail is in the main article. Oregano is a Mediterranean herb that is used for cooking and medicinal purposes, ranging from treating inf